Coronavirus In Nigeria ( How to Stay Safe)

Coronavirus In Nigeria ( How to Stay Safe)The first coronavirus case has been recorded in Nigeria, it is therefore important to learn how to stay safe with our families. The first thing you need to understand however, is what the virus is.

Coronavirus In Nigeria
Photo Credits: The New Humanitarian

What is coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses causing sicknesses ranging from common cold to severe illness. They typically affect respiratory tracts of birds and mammals.

These viruses are zoonotic, which means they can be transmitted from animals to human beings. The viruses cause different diseases but this particular outbreak is called COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019).

The outbreak began in Wuhan China in December 2019, and has since spread to close to 50 countries in the world, recently including Nigeria.

Signs and symptoms of COVID-19

The common signs of Coronavirus(COVID-19) include tiredness, fever and dry cough. Some other patients also experience pains and aches, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat or diarrhea.

Also Read:  10 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Nigeria

The signs usually show up mildly and do not start so seriously. Some people who get infected do not feel any symptoms and it takes some about 14 days to notice any sign.

COVID-19 could however get so serious and cause severe illness and difficulty in breathing. People with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, heart problems and high blood pressure are more likely to get this disease. Older people also stand a high chance of getting the disease.

How Coronavirus spreads.

People get infected with COVID-19 from other people who have the virus. It can spread to you through small drops from the mouth or nose when an infected person coughs, sneezes or exhales.

When these droplets from the infected people touch surfaces of objects, they also leave the virus on the surface. It can be contacted if you touch such surfaces or objects.

Also Read:  5 New Cases Of Coronavirus Confirmed In Nigeria

The disease can further be contacted if you inhale droplets that have been exhaled by an infected person. That’s why you should not stay so close to someone who is sick (maintain at least 3 feet away.)

Does Coronavirus kill?

Yes, it does. However less than 4% of infected people have been recorded dead. As at 28th of February, 83,896 cases of Coronavirus have been reported and 2,867 dead. 36, 834 people have been recorded to have recovered.

There are currently 44,195 active cases, with 36,104 people in mild condition and 8,091 in severe condition. Only 1 case of the illness have been reported so far in Nigeria.

How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

With everything you’ve learnt about COVID-19, it is important to know how to protect you and your family and also stop this disease from spreading. All you need to do is follow the tips below.

Also Read:  6 Coronavirus Myths You Need To Know

1. Regularly wash your hands well with soap and water, or with an alcohol based hand sanitizer.

2. Keep yourself at least 1 metre or 3 feet away from anyone who is sneezing.

3. Avoid hand contact with your eyes, nose and mouth.

4. Cover your nose and your mouth with tissue when you sneeze. Dispose off the tissue immediately.

5. Remain at home when you feel symptoms like fever, cough, cold or difficult breathing. Contact necessary authorities. Keep reading to know what to do in this case.

6. Avoid large gatherings and crowded areas.

7. Do not engage in self medication.

8. Also make sure you stay updated. One of the ways to do is to subscribe to this blog.

What to do if you notice symptoms of the disease.

Stay indoors to avoid spread to your friends and family. Then make contact with the necessary authorities in your country. Also Read “5 Myths About Coronavirus

For Nigerians, call the NCDC toll free number which is available 24/7.

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