6 Coronavirus Myths You Need To Know

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6 Coronavirus myths

Nigeria is the third out of three countries in Africa and 48th in the world where cases of Coronavirus have been confirmed. The country confirmed the case yesterday (Feb 27) when an Italian businessman based in Nigeria tested positive to the virus.

Now that Coronavirus has spread to Africa and even Nigeria. There are several myths about the virus spreading around and it could be difficult to say what’s true.

With several broadcast messages and memes on social media, one might begin to wrongly accept some myths as true. You however need to have the right information, so that it can guide your actions rightly.

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5 Coronavirus Myths

1. Drinking Alcohol kills Coronavirus

Some memes and jokes have been seen flying around on WhatsApp and other social platforms about alcohol killing the virus.

There are reports of a particular beer in Japan named Corona Beer. This beer is in no way related to coronavirus and is not a cure.

Drinking alcohol or spraying it on your body does not kill COVID-19.

2. Salt solution cures coronavirus

Do you remember that this same rumour trended during the era of Ebola? Please, disregard such information. Salt solution does not kill the virus. It’s only one of the coronavirus myths.

3. Only old people and people with underlying conditions can contact coronavirus

This is wrong please. Anybody can contact coronavirus. However, the chances of old people and people with underlying illnesses contacting it are high.

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4. A package from China carries coronavirus

A package from China would have passed through different conditions which would have killed the virus even if it was contaminated. It is safe for you to receive packages from far distances.

5. Natural Vitamin C Cures The Virus

There have also been posts going round social media which they claim was written by one Lailai Ahmadi from China. The message claims using lemon can help you stay immune to the virus. Please ignore this message, only follow messages from verified authorities.

6. Antibiotics kills coronavirus

Totally untrue. WHO has warned against this. Also remember that antibiotics do not kill viruses. There’s no vaccine or medicine for COVID-19 yet, even though there are cases of people recovering.

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As at the time of writing this, 85,691 total number of people have been reported with the virus, 39,766 have recovered while 2,933 have died. You should also read “How To Prevent Coronavirus and What To Do When You Observe The Symptoms

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