Types Of Skin Diseases

There are different types of skin diseases. Their symptoms are also different, as well as their levels of severity. Some skin diseases can be painful while some others are painless.

These skin diseases could be permanent sometimes. Mostly, they are triggered by catalysts like food, chemicals, genetics, etc.

Types Of Skin Diseases
A Woman with Acne (Img Source: Everyday Health)

Types of Skin diseases

We have listed the common skin infections below.

Acne, Cold sore, Hives, Actinic Keratosis, Blisters, Rosacea, Carbuncle, Impetigo, Melasma, Chickenpox, Seborrheic eczema, Dermnet, Latex Allergy, Eczema, Psoriasis, Cellulitis, Measles, Melanoma, Lupus, Contact Dermatitis, Squamous cell carcinoma, Vitiligo, Wart, Scabies, Keratosis Pilaris, Ringworm, etc.

  • Acne

Symptoms of acne include breakouts on the skin, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, oily skin, scarring. This skin disease is mostly on the face, around the neck region, shoulders, chest, and upper back. It may leave scars or darken the skin if not treated.

  • Cold sore

You will always find a fluid-filled blister that appears near the mouth and lips. It is usually painful and red. Usually, the affected area often burns before the sore is visible.

This skin disease may also be accompanied by mild, flu-like symptoms such as body aches, low fever, and a swollen lymph node.

  • Hives

Symptoms include itchiness, raised welts which occur after exposure to an allergen. There is a warm, red shape that is mildly painful if touched.

This infection can be small or large, ring-shaped or round or probably randomly shaped.

  • Blisters

This skin infection includes a watery-clear, fluid-filled area on your skin. It may be smaller than 1 cm or larger. The smaller one is called vesicle and the larger one bulla. They may occur alone or come in groups. It can also be found anywhere on the body.

  • Actinic keratosis

This type of skin disease may also be referred to as solar keratosis. It is a rough, scaly patch on the skin of adults or young adults. Usually, it is always caused by years of constant sun exposure.

However, reducing your exposure to sun can help you reduce this risk.

  • Rosacea

This is a skin infection that causes redness and sometimes small, red, pus-filled bumps on the face. It can be treated but cannot be cured. Rosacea commonly affects middle-aged women with fair skin.

Although the main cause of Rosacea is not known yet, there are some catalysts that trigger it. Some of them are spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, sunlight, stress, and intestinal bacteria.

  •  Helicobacter pylori

Common symptoms include facial redness, facial flushing, skin dryness, red bumps, and skin sensitivity.

  • Carbuncle

Carbuncle is a skin disease where a group of pus-filled bumps forms a connected area of infection under the skin. Carbuncles form when one or more hair follicles get infected. This skin infection occurs more often on the neck, back of the neck or shoulders.

  • Latex allergy

This skin condition is classified as a very critical one. Emergency medical care is required.

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If you have a latex allergy, your body mistakes latex products for a harmful substance. Latex allergy causes hives, itchy skin or even anaphylaxis, which has been known to be potentially a life-threatening condition that can cause swelling and severe difficulty in breathing.

  • Eczema

Yellow or white scaly patches that flake off. Affected areas may be red, itchy, greasy, or oily. Hair loss may occur in the area with the rash.

  • Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition in which skin cells build up and form scales and itchy, dry patches. Treatment can help calm this condition, but it cannot be cured.

Psoriasis may be assumed to be an immune system problem. It triggers include cold, infections and stress. Commonly located on the scalp, knees, elbows and lower back.

  • Cellulitis

This skin infection is so severe, it requires immediate medical emergency as soon as possible. Usually, it is caused by bacteria or fungi entering the skin through a cut or crack.

Its symptoms are fever, chills, painful, red streaking from rash, swollen skin together with or without oozing that spreads so fast.

  • Measles

Measles symptoms include sore throat, fever, red watery eyes, cough, loss of appetite, and runny nose.

Some kind of red rash seems to spread from the face down the body within three to five days after the first symptoms appear.

  • Basal cell carcinoma

This skin condition is a type of skin cancer that begins in the basal cells.

Basal cells produce new skin cells as old ones die. There would be a bleeding or oozing wound that does not seem to heal, or heals and then reappears.

However, limiting your exposure to sun can help prevent these cells from becoming cancerous.

  • Squamous cell carcinoma

This skin condition often affects areas exposed to UV radiation, such as the ears, face, and back of the hands. The cancer may spread to other areas of the body including the lymph nodes and organs. This skin condition if not treated in its early stage. The resulting condition will be so severe, it is life-threatening.

Its symptoms are a firm red nodule, flat sore with a scaly crust, ulcer. There would be a rough, scaly patch on your lip that may evolve to an open sore or a red sore or rough patch inside your mouth.

Also, there would be a red raised patch or wartlike sore in your anus or on your genitals.

  • Melanoma

Melanoma which is the most common form of skin cancer develops when melanocytes (the cells that give the skin its brown color or tan) start to grow out of control. It is more common in fair-skinned people.

Also Read:  Pimples: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

You can prevent melanoma by avoiding the sun as much as you can, wearing protective clothing, using sunshade can also help greatly in preventing it.

  • Lupus

This is an inflammatory skin disease caused when the immune system attacks its own tissues. It can affect the blood cells, joints, kidney, skin, lungs and heart.

Its symptoms include swollen or painful joints, fatigue, fever, and headaches. You would also notice a scaly, disc-shaped rash that does not hurt or itch.

Treatment can help reduce this skin disease but it cannot be cured. It might be lifelong.

  • Contact dermatitis

This skin infection can also be referred to as contact eczema.

It is a skin rash caused by contact with a certain substance that irritates the skin or triggers an allergic reaction. Some common catalysts include fragrances, soap, jewelry, cosmetics, and poison ivy.

Appears hours to days after contact with an allergen but resolves within days to weeks. The rash in your skin has visible borders and appears where your skin touched the irritating substance. Skin becomes itchy, red, scaly or crusty.

  • Vitiligo

This is a disease that causes the loss of skin color in blotches. Vitiligo occurs when pigment-producing cells (melanin) dies or stops functioning. The cells in the skin producing melanin are called melanocytes, and it is responsible for giving your skin its color. However, In vitiligo, there are not enough working melanocytes to produce enough melanin in your skin. This causes white patches to develop on your hair or skin.

Vitiligo may be treated but it cannot be cured, it may last for years or even lifelong.

  • Wart

Warts are basically small, rough, hard growths that are similar in color to the rest of the skin. They typically do not result in other symptoms, except the feet, where they may be painful. Although warts occur majorly on the hands and feet, they can also affect other locations. But they are not cancerous.

Warts are caused by an infection with a type of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Using public showers, working with meat eczema increases your risk of warts, also a weak immune system often increases your risk of getting warts. The virus is assumed to enter the body through skin that has been slightly damaged.

Warts also vary in a number of types. They include common warts, filiform warts, plantar warts, and genital warts. Genital warts are known to be often sexually transmitted.

  • Chicken Pox

A skin disease that can equally be called varicella is a highly contagious viral infection causing an itchy, blister-like rash on the skin. It spreads easily, but usually self-diagnosable. It does not stay long (Usually days to weeks).

Chickenpox is highly contagious to those who haven’t had the disease or been vaccinated against it.

Also Read:  5 Different Types Of Skin We Have

Its symptoms include a rash that is accompanied by fever, sore throat, body aches and loss of appetite. Usually, chickenpox remains contagious until all blisters have crusted over.

  • Scabies

Also called sarcoptic mange is a contagious, intensely itchy skin condition caused by a tiny, burrowing mite known as sarcoptes scabiei. It spreads by skin-to-skin contacts.

For untreated cases, these microscopic mites can live for several months on your skin. They burrow and lay eggs on your skin after reproducing on the surface. This, in turn, leads to relentless itching, red angry rash to form on the skin.

Scabies being so contagious can spread quickly through close physical contact in a family, school or nursing home.

  • Seborrheic dermatitis

This skin disease is also known as Seborrheic Eczema, is a skin condition that causes scaly patches and red skin, mainly on the scalp which increases the risk of hair loss. Seborrheic dermatitis can also occur on the oily part of the skin like the face, back or upper chest.

Affected areas may be red, itchy, greasy, or oily. Unlike other kinds of eczema, the exact cause of seborrheic eczema is yet known, but genes and hormones play a role.

  • Keratosis pilaris

Keratosis pilaris also called follicular keratosis, is a condition that causes rough patches and small, acne-like bumps on the skin. Usually, it is self-treatable but can last for years or be lifelong.

This condition develops when the skin produces too much keratin a protein in the body. The excess keratin blocks hair follicles and causes bumps to develop.

  • Ringworm

Ringworm is a highly contagious fungal skin or scalp infection. Its medium of spreading is through skin-to-skin contact or by touching an infected animal or object.

Circular-shaped scaly rashes with raised border may be noticed in ringworm infection, but it is self diagnosable.

  • Impetigo

A highly contagious skin infection that causes red sores on the face. It spreads by skin-to-skin contact. Impetigo mainly affects infants and children. It brings irritating rash and fluid-filled blisters that pop easily and form a honey-colored crust.

Final Notes

Majorly, excessive exposure to Sunlight causes more of these skin diseases, so it is advisable that you do all you can to avoid the midday sun as it is too injurious to your health.

Genes and Hormones also play their role too when skin disease or infection is being mentioned. There are several other skin disease triggers that have been mentioned in this article.  We advise that you learn how to take care of your skin properly

Stay tuned and check our website always as we help you attain great health with our amazing health tips.

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