Types & Causes Of Skin Infection

The largest and most visible organ of the body is the skin. Hence, it is highly exposed to foreign bodies, injuries, and unfavorable conditions. It also easily makes contact with unhygienic surfaces and persons. All these bring about various types of skin infection.

What Are Skin infections?

Skin infections are disorders that emanate when microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites perform activities under them.

These microscopic creatures reproduce and hereby cause itching, swellings, pain, and great discomfort.

Types Of Skin Infections

1. Bacterial skin Infection

Bacteria are the most abundant microorganisms in nature. They form a significant percentage of the infections that affect your body today. However, they are often mild and easy to treat. Symptoms of bacterial infections include painful redness of the skin and swellings filled with pus.

Common examples of bacterial infections

  • Cellulitis: This is the inflammation of the skin and soft tissues underneath.
  • Boils: These painful swellings are infections that start in the oil gland or your hair follicles. When in its early stages, your skin becomes red and painfully tender. Within a couple of days, the infected area swells with pus.
  • Impetigo: This infection is highly contagious. It appears on any part of your body but often infects exposed parts of your skin.
  • Leprosy: This infection arises from a type of slow-growing bacteria known as Mycobacteriumleprae (M. leprae). It was named after the scientist who discovered it.
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Causes Of Bacterial Skin Infection

  • The entrance of bacteria through scar, scratch, or prolonged exposure to germs. Also, a weak immune system makes your skin easily susceptible to bacterial skin infections.

How To Treat Bacterial Skin Infections

  • Application of recommended oral or topical antibiotics.

2. Fungal Skin Infection:

These not-so-fun-guys”  thrive easily in moist environments. Exactly why they are being found in places like the armpit, the groin area, the palms, and feet. They are basically not life-threatening or contagious but can cause a great deal of discomfort. Courtesy of itching and a scaly skin appearance.

Common Examples Of Fungal Skin Infection

  • Ringworm: This infection comes into existence as a result of the activities of fungi known as dermatophytes. It is also called Tinea.
  • Athlete’s foot: The disease is most common amongst athletes and sportsmen. However, you can also find it among all ages of person, man, and woman alike.
  • Fungi nail infection: As the name implies, this fungi clearly attacks the nails of the fingers and toes. It also affects the skin beneath them.
  • Yeast infection: These infections are also known as Candidiasis. The most common species of yeast is Candida Albicans. We find them mostly on the surfaces of the human body.

Causes Of Fungal Skin Infections

Excessive sweating is a major cause of fungal infection. A warm and damp habitat also contributes a great deal too. Poor hygiene can further contribute in increasing the risk of fungal infections.

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How To Treat Fungal Skin Infections

  • Applying fungal creams and lotions to the affected areas.
  • You can also treat by applying medicated powder to susceptible body areas. It further keeps it free from moisture.

3. Viral Skin Infection:

Viruses the most microscopic of the above-mentioned microbes are highly contagious. If not tackled properly, they can develop into severe cases and prove resistant to treatment.

Common Examples Of Viral Skin Infections

  • Measles: An infection exhibiting spotty rashes that cover the body. Usually, it is accompanied by bouts of fever. It is easily transmittable by mere skin contact.
  • Chickenpox (Varicella): It is a viral skin infection that causes a very itchy rash that turns red and irritating. This is often experienced in early childhood. It is also highly contagious and often leaves scars even after being healed.
  • Shingles (Herpes Zoster): These infections are mostly transmitted from person to person. They are caused by a reactivation of the same virus causative of Chickenpox.
  • Molluscum Contagiosum: These are viral skin infections that cause single or multiple lumps on the skin called Papules.

Causes Of Viral Skin Infections

  • Contracted from contaminated surfaces or from skin contact with infected others.
  • Further caused by herpes virus, poxvirus, and human papillomavirus.

How To Treat Viral Skin Infection

  • The use of medicated lotions and drugs.
  • You should also contact a dermatologist

4. Parasitic Skin Infection:

This type of skin infection is caused by parasites.  The microorganism burrows into the skin and spread to the blood and other organs.

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Common Examples Of Parasitic Skin Infections

  • Scabies: These infections are caused by tiny mites called Sarcoptes scabiei. The mites burrow into the upper layer of the skin to lay their eggs. An infected patient will observe raised scaly and blistered-pimpled-like rashes on the skin. These rashes are usually very itchy and also contagious when skin contact is prolonged.
  • Lice: These are tiny insects that particularly infest the hair and feed off the scalp. They have an akin appearance with dandruff. They spread easily in congested areas through clothes, hairbrushes, and other personal effects. Though they may not give rise to any serious health issue, they can cause utter discomfort.
  • Bedbugs: They are very tiny bloodsucking bugs that are most often found in beddings and infested clothing. They cling to the skin and thereby cause nuisance and irritation.

Causes Of Parasitic Skin Infections

  • Parasites burrowing and tapping into the skin of its host, reproducing and feeding off the skin cells.

How To Treat Parasitic Skin Infections

  • Use of recommended creams and lotions.
  • They can be further prevented by good personal hygiene

Staying Healthy Is Most Important

To have healthy skin, you must keep yourself healthy always. Eating a balanced diet is another way to prevent skin infections. Also, maintaining good personal hygiene is necessary. Check out this article on Best foods for healthy skin.


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